It seems that this particular quiz is making the rounds at Xanga, seeing as two of my friends from completely different social groups have taken it and posted to their Xanga blogs. Here it is: El super quiz. Actually El Super is the name of a mexican grocery store, but let me have my fun polluting search engine relevancy, okay? 😀
Message to my readers: Do you know of any sites/articles that analyze the spread of these sorts of memes? Is there one dispersion pattern for personality/dating quizzes, another for tech gadgets, one for political causes, and something totally separate for blogging-related issues?
Anyway, here are my results, so that perfect strangers can study it and pretend they know me. 🙂 The results are odd. I have to say that I’ve never really thought of myself as “athletic”– my family knows my exercise habits are pretty sporadic– but I suppose I *am* rather practical though perhaps I’m the idealistically unrealistic one of my family.
Your dating personality profile:
Athletic – Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active. |
Your date match profile:
Athletic – You aren’t looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps her body in top shape. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Athletic |
Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Athletic |
Random quote: Follow your dreams. You CAN reach your goals… beefcake. BEEFCAKE! 😀
Beefcake? That sounds yummy.