I’ve started checking out some blogs from Iraq. Here’s a few I found interesting…
[Citizen Smash]:http://www.lt-smash.us/ blog about [Milblogs]:http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/003/840fvgmo.asp
[Magic in the Baghdad Cafe]:http://bear.typepad.com/magic_in_the_baghdad_cafe/ A Nurse stationed in the 21st CSH 8/2003 to 2/2004
[Bob Zangas]:http://zangasiniraq.militarypages.com/ Bob(RIP, sadly) worked in Public Affairs at the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq
[Baghdad Burning]:http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/ “Girl Blog from Iraq”
[by the rivers of babylon]:http://phlebotomus.blogspot.com/ “making the most of my deployment to Iraq”
[where is raed]:http://dear_raed.blogspot.com/ Salam Pax: Iraqi from Baghdad (who? ask [slate,]:http://slate.msn.com/id/2083847/ [guardian]:http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,966819,00.html )
[turningtables]:http://turningtables.blogspot.com/ a US soldier (returned in Sept 2003) also: [his photoblog]:http://moja-vera.fotopages.com/
[Healing Iraq]:http://healingiraq.blogspot.com/ an Iraqi dentist
Hey, this is too cool
Très interessant. =o